Government Response: Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authority Publicity

Response to scrutiny under Standing Order 21.7

1.   The Welsh Government agrees that it would be helpful for that distinction to be specifically referred to in the Code, and will therefore make minor amendments to the draft Code to make it clear that it is a revision of a previous Code.

2.    It is accepted that the wording of paragraphs 34 and 42 may provide an unhelpful distinction as to the applicability of the Equality Act 2010 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 to local authorities. The Welsh Government will therefore make minor amendments to the draft Code to clarify that any material produced by local authorities should be produced in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.


3.    The error in paragraph 19 of the Code will be corrected to read section “142(1A) of the 1972” Act in both the English and Welsh versions.